Dennis Knows Food: August 2018

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Episode 49 - Interview with Larry Geaghan & Lisa Sturgeon | Restaurant Marketing Deep-Dive

If you own or operate a foodservice establishment, you don't want to miss this epic, self-aware restaurant marketing deep-dive with two strategic thinkers from Geaghan's Pub & Craft Brewery.

Subscribers to our podcast know that we discuss a wide variety of topics designed to help you grow and improve your business. In this episode, rather than just hear advice on how you can harness the power of your team, market through social media or think like an innovator... you're going to hear how an actual foodservice operation has been successfully putting these tactics to use to grow their business and broadcast their brand to the world!

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Links and product information mentioned in this episode include our website: To learn more about Geaghan's and to follow them on social media, visit their website [here].

We look forward to your feedback, send an email to!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Episode 48 - News from the IFDA & Tips for a Smooth-Running Kitchen

In this week’s episode we’re sharing some stats from a new report published by the IFDA and we’ve got a few tips to help keep your kitchen running smooth.

From the locally sourced products we proudly distribute, to the construction crews we’ve hired to expand our warehouse – twice now – in order to hold thousands of products, to the diesel we put in our trucks and the uniforms we put on our backs; your business with Dennis supports other Maine and New England companies. You'll hear more about how the foodservice industry contributes to our economy in this episode!

This week’s foodie fact is a two-part’er, we’re asking... how large and how old can lobsters get? We’ll have the answer for you at the end of the podcast.

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Links and product information mentioned in this episode include our website:, and the report from the IFDA [LINK].

We look forward to your feedback, send an email to!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Episode 47 - The Learning Never Stops, Foodservice Tech Trends, Plus - Kelly & Kelli on School Food Programs

With our school food show on the horizon, we're putting an educational twist on this week's episode - focusing on the importance of paying attention to advances in foodservice.

The school of life is the greatest education of all, and in it the learning never stops. Life in foodservice is no exception. As we go about our daily duties, it’s important to stop every so often and assess what’s coming on the horizon. For example, one of the next big foodservice disruptions will absolutely be... find out what it is, along with 5 recent foodservice tech trends and more in this episode!

This week’s foodie fact is inspired by wild Maine blueberries. We’re asking, annually, what percentage of wild blueberries are sold fresh and what percentage are sold IQF – individually quick frozen. We’ll have the answer for you at the end of the podcast.

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Links and product information mentioned in this episode include our website:

We look forward to your feedback, send an email to!